Friday, July 1, 2011

Catching Fireflies!

Fireflies are probably the coolest thing about the east coast. Last night the kids and I were watching the fireflies. There were so many!! It was a perfect summer night. Matthew and Caleigh went and got a net to catch some of the fireflies while Nicholas was off yelling at George Lopez to get out of the yard and somewhere between him yelling and us going inside he thought he'd kill a firefly. So after catching a few fireflies and playing outside, Matthew thought it was a good idea if he buried the firefly that Nico killed. (sometimes he can have quite a tender heart) So we had a little memorial service for Mr. Firefly. He lived a good life. We had a great night.

Caleigh had a spray bottle for defense against George Lopez (the deer)
Matthew was very proud that he caught some fireflies! He is a great Firefly catcher-er.
Firefly murderer! Jk I'm sure it was an 'accident'

R.I.P. Mr. Firefly
Burial place

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