Lets see here.. Last time I posted was... about March.
How awful was winter? Way awful. I am so happy it is summer. Do you what is best about summer? No school. Oh wait, I've been off track for the past 2 years. But Romney graduated from the University of Utah! Boo-yah! We are both pretty stoked about it. He got his Bachelor's Degree in International Studies. So basically we'll be traveling a lot! (ha! right.) He is in the Airforce and goes active duty this summer. He was suppose to go to bootcamp yesterday (thank heavens he didn't) but it got postponed until the end of July. His camp is somewhere near San Antonio. (good luck with the heat and humidity suga pants!) During that time I will be back home with my parents and then Romney will get stationed somewhere and we will be reunited once again. At least we think so... Who knows what happens when you are apart of the military. All I know is I am pumped to move! It will be an awesome adventure and its not forever. Its gonna be gr8.
Romney and I recently went back to NY for the wedding of one of my best friends Amanda Lin. Well technically she was already married. Her and Wadi got sealed in the Manhattan temple in February! So in June it was just a big party. I was one of the lucky girls that got to be a bridesmaid. I even got to dance IN the wedding. Beat that. Youtube if you don't believe me. It was a great day!
We did lots of fun stuff in the big apple. We were there for a week and that was wayyyy too short. When it comes to New York, there is never enough time to see and do what you want. Crap, I lived there for 2 years and I still wish I would have went and done more while I was there. New York is da bomb. A few things we did include:
- Eating Magnolia cupcakes everyday for Breakfast
- Museum of Natural History
- Hitting up 4 too many comic book stores (Romney)
- Top of the Rock
- Mets game (always)
- Central Park
- Gaining 5 pounds!
Romney and I live in the worlds hottest apartment. The walls are made out of brick so it looks like we live in a jail cell. We even have bars on our doors. We had to move our mattress into the family room area where the airconditioner is.. so if you come to visit.. Don't mind us.
N-E-way.. I'm off to be crafty with my mom! Wish me luck!